
Here is a complete list of services, to estimate the delivery time that best suits the urgency of your needs as well as your obligations in terms of costs:

  • AM / PM Service: available until 12 am
    Parcel picked and delivered before 5 pm.
  • 4 HOURS service: available until 1 pm
    Parcel picked and delivered within 4 hours.
  • 2 HOURS service: available until 3 pm
    Parcel picked and delivered within 2 hours.
  • URGENT service: available until 3:30 pm
    Parcel picked and delivered directly from the place of origin to the destination.
  • GREEN Service : available until 5 pm
    Economical prices. Parcel delivered next day before 5 pm.
  • OFF-ZONE Service : available until 5 pm
    For any shipment outside of our local service areas.
  • EVENING service: available until 5 pm or by reservation*
    Parcel picked and delivered within 3 hours.
    *Booking requests on weekdays before 5 pm.
  • WEEKEND Service: available by appointment *
    Parcel picked and delivered within 2 hours.
    *Booking request in week before 5 pm.

Opening Time

Monday 8h00 à 17h00
Tuesday 8h00 à 17h00
Wednesday 8h00 à 17h00
Thursday 8h00 à 17h00
Friday 8h00 à 17h00